

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect pf weight-bearing exercise and calcium supplement invention programs on femur bone mineral density in children. For this purpose, 32 subjects were selected voluntarily from Rahe Zafar kindergarten. These children had the intervention program for 5 months. Calcium consumption questionnaire and density evaluation apparatus (DEXA) were used to collect the data. One-way ANOVA and dependent t-test were used to analyze the data. The mean difference between pre and post test was significant in all groups (weight-bearing exercise and calcium consumption t=4.919, sig=0.002; weight-bearing exercise t=6.232, sig=0.00; calcium consumption t=7.86, sig=0.00; and control t=5.499, sig=0.002). Totally, the comparison of BMD scores in groups showed a significant difference in mean scores of all groups (F=3.981, sig=0.019.) Tukey test showed a significant mean difference between 1 and 2 groups with control group. These results emphasized that childhood and adolescence play a crucial role in forming bones. They also emphasized this theory about bones that: “Bones respond to receiving loads by enhancing minerals”.
