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1 Master of Sports Science (Motor Behavior), Semnan University, Semnan, Iran

2 Assistant professor of Sport Science (Motor Behavior), Semnan University, Semnan, Iran


Compared to the individual training method, pair and participatory training method are methods in which people in groups of two or more contribute learning motor skills, and it seems that this method has the characteristics of an optimal educational environment increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of the training. The purpose of this study was to compare approaches of individual, pair and participatory training on learning of Shotokan karate. In this study, 36 female students aged 10-9 years were selected and divided into three groups after 12 sessions of initial training in HianShodan kata pre-test. Then, after 3 months of kata practice, by individual, pair and participatory practice, their performance was evaluated and a retention test was taken one week later. Statistical analysis of data was performed using repeated measures analysis of variance test. The test results showed that the participants' progress scores (F = 174.14, P = 0.001), the interaction of progress in the type of exercise (F = 5.1724, P = 0.001) and the difference between the exercise groups (F = 6.08, P = 0.006) is significant. The results of pairwise comparison showed that there is significant difference between individual and pair education groups; but difference between individual and group education groups was not significant. The pair training method, in addition to being cost-effective in terms of energy consumption and training space, is more effective than traditional kata training methods in karate. In addition, this method of practice will be useful in the socio-emotional development of the learner.


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