Document Type : Research Paper I Open Access I Released under CC BY-NC 4.0 license


1 Motor Behavior Department, Faculty of Sports Sciences, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran.

2 Associate Professor in Motor Behavior



Obesity has a negative effect on the mental and physical health of children and adolescents, and obese children participate in social and sports activities less than children with normal weight, which leads to a decrease in physical fitness and their level of sports performance.

The aim of the present study was to compare the effect of Teaching Games for Understanding and traditional pedagogy on futsal performance, some factors of physical fitness and physical activity level of obese students.

The current research method was semi-experimental with a pretest-posttest design. 24 obese students were purposefully selected as a sample and randomly divided into two groups of 12 people, including the traditional education group and the TGFU education group. Futsal skill test, 9 x 4 test, 20 meter shuttle run endurance, 10 x 5 shuttle run test and physical activity questionnaire were used to collect data.

The results of the covariance test showed that there is a significant difference between futsal game performance, cardiovascular endurance, agility, speed and physical activity level of the traditional and TGFU groups (P≤0.05) and the results in the TGFU group were significantly better than the traditional group. (P≤0.05).

TGFU training promotes the progress of participants by increasing the adaptive behavior of participants in competitions and facilitating their capacity to solve various challenges of the performance environment, so in the activities related to physical education in schools, TGFU training can be used to improve physical fitness factors and improve athletic performance of obese students instead of methods used traditionally.


Main Subjects