Saeid Ahar; Hossein Samadi; Sakineh Jafari
Introduction: Objective criteria for performance measurements are widely used in motor learning, development, and sports psychology, despite their inherent limitations. Due to the limitation in performance evaluation tools in team sports, the present research aimed to determine the validity and reliability ...
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Introduction: Objective criteria for performance measurements are widely used in motor learning, development, and sports psychology, despite their inherent limitations. Due to the limitation in performance evaluation tools in team sports, the present research aimed to determine the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Perceived Performance in Team Sports Questionnaire (PPTSQ).Methods: The current research was a survey study. The statistical sample consisted of 100 professional athletes (52 women and 48 men) in team sports aged 18 to 32 who participated in the present research through available and purposive sampling. First, the accuracy of the translation of the Persian version of the questionnaire was confirmed using the back-translation method. Then, confirmatory factor analysis based on structural equation modeling was used to determine the structural validity of the questionnaire, and Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used to determine the internal consistency. Statistical analysis was performed using Lisrel software version 8.8.Results: The results showed that the first-order model is suitable concerning statistical indices (RMSEA=0.079), which confirmed the construct validity of this questionnaire in Persian. The second-order model also confirmed the validity of the constituent components of this questionnaire (RMSEA=0.073). Cronbach's alpha coefficient (α=0.92) and test-retest internal correlation (α=0.92) confirmed the reliability of the questionnaire.Conclusion: Based on the results, the Persian version of the perceived performance in team sports questionnaire has good and acceptable construct validity and internal reliability, and it can be used as a valid and reliable tool.
Fardin Qeysari; Mahmoud Sheikh
Introduction: Considering the prevalence of visual-motor disorders among preterm children and the importance of visual-motor skills in performing daily tasks, A reliable and valid tool is needed to measure these skills in preterm children. The present study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties ...
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Introduction: Considering the prevalence of visual-motor disorders among preterm children and the importance of visual-motor skills in performing daily tasks, A reliable and valid tool is needed to measure these skills in preterm children. The present study aimed to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Persian version of the test of visual-motor skills- 3rd edition (TVMS-3) in preterm children.Methods: For this purpose, 2100 students were selected from 7 to 12-year-old students across the country by multi-stage cluster random sampling method. Among these students, 376 preterm children who were born before 32 weeks of pregnancy or with a very low weight (1500 grams) were included in the research. The measurement tool of this study was the Persian version of TVMS-3, which was implemented in two stages, three weeks apart, on the research samples Also, the Bender Gestalt test was performed on the subjects in the first stage. Cronbach's alpha method was used to determine internal consistency or internal reliability, the intra-class correlation coefficient method was used to determine temporal reliability, and a one-way analysis of variance was used to determine construct validity and differences between groups. Pearson's correlation coefficient was also used to check the convergent validity.Results: The results of this study indicate the appropriate validity of the TVMS-3 for all 7 to 12-year-old age groups of preterm children. Also, the results of this study indicate the desirable and acceptable internal consistency and temporal reliability or reproducibility of this test.Conclusion: The TVMS-3 has appropriate validity and reliability for screening and identifying preterm children with visual-motor skills disorders.
Moazameh Bahramnejad; Mansoureh Hajhosseini; Sayedeh Khadijeh Amirian
Introduction: Being responsible and having responsible behavior is the goal of many teachers who try to make students achieve this important thing to witness responsible students in the future. Considering the importance of this issue, especially in the field of physical education, the present study ...
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Introduction: Being responsible and having responsible behavior is the goal of many teachers who try to make students achieve this important thing to witness responsible students in the future. Considering the importance of this issue, especially in the field of physical education, the present study aimed to validate the Student’s Responsibility in Physical Education Scale (SRIPES).Research method: Firstly, the Student’s Responsibility in Physical Education Scale was translated into the Persian language to calculate its validity and reliability and report the construct validity. In the implementation stage, the distribution of questionnaires was done in two stages; In the first stage, questionnaires were given to the students to analyze the exploratory factor, and in the second stage, the questionnaires were given to the students to analyze the confirmatory factor and convergent validity. In this research, 400 students (250 girls and 150 boys) were selected among 500 fifth and sixth-grade boys and girls students, using a convenient sampling method.Findings: "Effort", "following class rules" and "self-management" had the greatest effect on the responsible behavior construct. The reliability of the research was also evaluated as 0.7, which was favorable.Conclusion: Six factors were identified in the exploratory factor analysis. Items 1, 7, 13, 9 belong to the “Effort” factor, items 2, 8, 14, 20 belong to the “Self-directed” factor, items 3, 9, 21, 25 belong to “following the class rules” factor, items 4, 10, 16, 22, 15 belong to “Respect others” factor, items 5, 11, 17, 23, 26 belong to “Help others”, and items 6, 12, 18, 24 belong to “Cooperation (participation)” factor. Confirmatory factor analysis also confirmed this six-factor model. Using this tool, it is possible to check responsibility in boys and girls students.
Alireza Bahrami; Jalil Moradi; Behrouz Golmohammadi; Marzieh Sadat Sajadinezhad
Introduction: This research aimed to design and standardize the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence assessment questionnaire in Iranian society.Methods: The current research method was a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods with an exploratory design – an instrument development model. ...
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Introduction: This research aimed to design and standardize the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence assessment questionnaire in Iranian society.Methods: The current research method was a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods with an exploratory design – an instrument development model. In the qualitative stage, after conducting 12 semi-structured interviews, related categories were collected and after checking the face and content validity, a 36-item questionnaire was designed. In the quantitative stage, the validity and reliability of the researcher-made questionnaire were examined. The statistical sample consisted of 808 teenagers from five provinces of the country who were selected by the multi-stage cluster sampling method and all the subjects completed the questionnaire. To determine the concurrent validity, the KTK3+ motor competence standard test was used, and to check the temporal reliability and consistency, test-retest and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were used.Results: Through exploratory factor analysis, five factors of physical fitness factors related to health and skill, perceptual ability, non-verbal communication, enjoyment and participation in various physical activities, and learning and experience of motor skills were identified and these five factors explained 51% of the total variance. The results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that the goodness of fit index and the comparative fit index was higher than 0.90. In concurrent validity, the correlation between the scores of the two tests was 0.51 and Cronbach's alpha coefficients (0.89) and intra-class correlation (0.87) were also obtained.Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded that the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence questionnaire has a suitable and acceptable validity and reliability, and by using this questionnaire, the assessment of the bodily-kinesthetic intelligence of teenagers is possible.
Mostafa Mohammadzadeh; Mahmoud Sheikh; Khaled Takizadeh; Fatemeh Keshvari
Background. An adolescent’s level of motor competence is important to assess as can impact on a range of daily functions and participation in physical activities. Formal assessments of motor competence can be time consuming and costly. One alternative is to use self-report questionnaires to screen ...
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Background. An adolescent’s level of motor competence is important to assess as can impact on a range of daily functions and participation in physical activities. Formal assessments of motor competence can be time consuming and costly. One alternative is to use self-report questionnaires to screen for level of motor competence. Aim: This study examines the validity and reliability of the Persian version of the Adolescent Motor Competence Questionnaire (AMCQ) and differences between adolescent boys and girls. Method: Three evaluative stages were completed to translate the items into Persian, which included back translations by 4 native English and Persian speakers and 10 expert reviews. A total of 470 adolescents aged 12-18 years old (mean age 14.22 ± 1.64) from the Ray schools district completed the 26-item AMCQ. A subsample of 30 adolescents completed the AMCQ after 1 week for retest. Results: The content validity index (CVI=0.98) was strong. The results of exploratory factor analysis identified 4 factors and the results of the confirmatory factor analysis showed that items with a suitable factor load (0.95-0.65) on the four factors. The results revealed the AMCQ had high internal consistency (0.940), and acceptable test-retest reliability (r=0.885). When considering gender, boys had higher AMCQ scores compared to girls. The boy’s scores were related to the factors of ‘participating in physical activity and sport’ and ‘peer comparisons’. Conclusion. The results of this study show that the Persian version of AMCQ can be used as a valid tool to assess Iranian adolescence motor competence.
Rifat Al-Hajjaj; Mehdi Sohrabi; Aireza Saberi Kakhki; Seyed Reza Attarzade Hosseini
The aim of the study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Iraqi version of the Gross Motor Development Test - Third Edition TGMD-3 in Iraqi children aged 5 to 9 years. The second aim of this study was to compare the development of gross motor skills of Iranian and Iraqi children. The ...
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The aim of the study was to investigate the psychometric properties of the Iraqi version of the Gross Motor Development Test - Third Edition TGMD-3 in Iraqi children aged 5 to 9 years. The second aim of this study was to compare the development of gross motor skills of Iranian and Iraqi children. The participants were selected from 400 people by cluster sampling method from Iraq and were evaluated using TGMD-3 test. Finally, 30 Iraqis in the age group of 8-9 years were randomly selected and compared with a similar group of 30 Iranian children. Cronbach's alpha, Pearson correlation coefficient, factor analysis and t-test were used to analyze the data. Internal consistency reliability coefficients for locomotor, ball skills and total scores were 0.77, 0.85 and 0.87; test-retest reliability coefficients were 0.89, 0.90 and 0.91; inter-rater reliability coefficients were 0.77, 0.85 and 0.88; intera-rater coefficients were 0.66, 0.80 and 0.84, respectively. Also, there was no significant difference between the performance of Iranian and Iraqi children in the subtests of locomotor and ball skills and the total score of gross motor skills (P <0.05). Due to the confirmation of validity and reliability, this test can be used with confidence to evaluate the development of gross motor skills. The results obtained are limited to the Iraqi boy community of 5 to 9 years, and additional studies are needed in the future for use in the girl community and other age groups.
Milad Esmaeili; Rasoul Hemayat talab; Kambiz Kamkari
The aim of the present study was to investigate validity and reliability of Persian version of Sport Motivation Scale (SMS-6). This study was descriptive-correlation and the statistical population consisted of all students of University of Tehran and 241 students (132 men and 109 women, age range 18-30 ...
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The aim of the present study was to investigate validity and reliability of Persian version of Sport Motivation Scale (SMS-6). This study was descriptive-correlation and the statistical population consisted of all students of University of Tehran and 241 students (132 men and 109 women, age range 18-30 years) completed the scale. Sport Motivation Scale (SMS-6) was used in this study which included 6 subscales and 24 items with 7-Likert scale. Test-retest method was applied in order to calculate the stability and Cronbach’s alpha was used to determine the internal consistency. Confirmatory and exploratory factor analyses were used to establish construct validity and Pearson correlation test was applied to determine concurrent validity. The data analysis showed that Persian version of Sport Motivation Scale (SMS-6) had acceptable validity and reliability and can be used to evaluate sport motivation construct.
valiollah Kashani; Mohamad Ali Salianeh; Asie Paran Davaji
The aim of this study was to determine validity and reliability of the Persian version of causes of re-injury worry scale. A final version of this scale in injured athletes was translated and developed based on the feedbacks provided by experts in sport sciences and 195 athletes who had experienced injury ...
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The aim of this study was to determine validity and reliability of the Persian version of causes of re-injury worry scale. A final version of this scale in injured athletes was translated and developed based on the feedbacks provided by experts in sport sciences and 195 athletes who had experienced injury were selected by cluster random sampling method. The data were analyzed using inferential statistics (confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and Cronbach’s alpha and intra-class correlation coefficients (ICC)) and descriptive statistics. The findings indicated good fit of the CFA model over the Persian version of this scale. In addition, Cronbach’s alpha coefficient and ICC demonstrated acceptable internal consistency and temporal validity of this scale. Proper translation and selecting a heterogeneous sample may have contributed to the good fit of the CFA model.
Meysam Biyabani; Rasool Hemayat talab; Fazlollah Bagher zadeh; Elaheh Arab ameri
Attitude plays an important role in success and is one of the aspects thataffect students’ learning. The aim of the present study was to investigate thevalidity and reliability of Persian version of Student’s Attitude TowardPhysical Education Scale (SATPES). This study was descriptive-correlationand ...
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Attitude plays an important role in success and is one of the aspects thataffect students’ learning. The aim of the present study was to investigate thevalidity and reliability of Persian version of Student’s Attitude TowardPhysical Education Scale (SATPES). This study was descriptive-correlationand the statistical population consisted of all 12-14-year-old students of 1stgrade of middle schools in Tehran city. Student’s Attitude Toward PhysicalEducation Scale (SATPES) was used in this study and Subramaniam andSilverman (2000) had validated it. It included two subscales and 20 itemswith 5-point Likert responses and 415 questionnaires of this scale werecompleted by students. Test-retest method was applied in order to calculatethe temporal reliability and Cronbach’s alpha was used to determine internalconsistency. To determine construct validity, confirmatory and exploratoryfactor analyses were applied. The results showed that Persian version ofSATPES supported two dimensional approach of attitude in enjoyment andbenefit with 20 items; thus validity (fit indexes were above the acceptablelevel of 0.9) and reliability (above the acceptable level of 0.7) of the scalewere confirmed. In conclusion, Persian version of Student’s Attitude TowardPhysical Education Scale is recommended to measure students’ attitude
Najmeh Rezasoltani; Hassan Gharayagh zandi; Mohammad Khabiri
The aim of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale (BPNES). The method was descriptive-survey. The Statistical population consisted of male and female athletes aged over 16 years who attended structured exercise programs. The ...
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The aim of this study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale (BPNES). The method was descriptive-survey. The Statistical population consisted of male and female athletes aged over 16 years who attended structured exercise programs. The sample consisted of 256 male and female athletes (M=23.03, SD=4.04) who were selected through cluster random sampling method. The 12-item Basic Psychological Needs in Exercise Scale was initially translated (by translation - back translation method) and then its face and content validity were confirmed. After a pilot study and necessary modifications, confirmatoryfactoranalysis (CFA) was used to examine construct validity. Cronbach's alpha coefficient was used for internal consistency of the scale and temporal reliability of the items. Intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was examined by test-retest method with 2-4 weeks of interval for the scale and subscales. The results showed that the second model of BPNES had acceptable fit indexes (CFI=0.98, RMSEA=0.07), internal consistency (alpha coefficient: 0.87 for relatedness, 0.80 for competence, 0.82 for autonomy, and 0.88 for the whole questionnaire) and temporal reliability (0.88 for relatedness, 0.83 for competence, 0.83 for autonomy, and 0.90 for the whole questionnaire). So, this scale can be used for research population in Iran.
Rokhsareh Badami; Maryam Nezakatalhossaini; Fahimehi Rajab; Mansoore Jafari
The aim of the present study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children Test (M-ABC Test) for 6-year-old children of Isfahan city. 306 children participated in the study. Inter-rater reliability of the M-ABC test was estimated using two trained ...
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The aim of the present study was to determine the validity and reliability of the Movement Assessment Battery for Children Test (M-ABC Test) for 6-year-old children of Isfahan city. 306 children participated in the study. Inter-rater reliability of the M-ABC test was estimated using two trained observers with 50 children. Test–retest reliability was assessed using 30 children with a one-week interval. To determine construct validity of this test, explanatory and confirmatory factors analyses were used. Agreement between testers was great with a mean intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.98. The mean intra-class correlation coefficient of 0.77 was obtained for test–retest reliability. Three-factor structure of M-ABC test and proper assignment of skills to manual dexterity, ball skill and balance factors were supported for this population. The According to these results, M-ABC test can be applied to assess fundamental skills of 6-year-old children of Isfahan city.
Mohamad Hosein Ghahramani; Alireza Farsi; Mohammad Ali Besharat; Behrouz Abdoli
This study aimed at exploring the main sources of acute stress in wrestlersregarding the structure and the assessment of reliability and validity of the sourcesof acute stress in wrestlers questionnaire (SASWQ). For this purpose, thisquestionnaire was distributed among a sample of 330 wrestlers (mean ...
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This study aimed at exploring the main sources of acute stress in wrestlersregarding the structure and the assessment of reliability and validity of the sourcesof acute stress in wrestlers questionnaire (SASWQ). For this purpose, thisquestionnaire was distributed among a sample of 330 wrestlers (mean age21.56+5.3) in Tehran who were selected by multistage random sampling method.Analysis of data with SPSS software showed that the Cronbach's alpha for all itemsof this questionnaire was 0.909 and alpha coefficient of the internal consistency forthe first and second section was 0.870 and 0.831 respectively. Content validity ofthe questionnaire showed the equity of each of the 8 principle components of acutestress in wrestlers including skill performance, evaluation, contest, error, prospect,time pressure, injury and environment as 2.43 on average through exploratoryfactor analysis in the principle component analysis (PCA) with Varimax rotation.In confirmatory factor analysis with Lisrel software, GFI=0.96, AGFI=0.92 andCFI=0.93 were obtained. The findings showed that SASWQ had acceptablereliability and validity and could measure the mentioned variable in the mentionedstatistical population.
Daryoush Khajavi; Zahra Parsa
Activities of daily life are basic components of life which reflect an important aspect of functional independence in the elderly. The aim of this study was to develop an up to date and culturally appropriate scale to assess activities of daily lives of the Iranian elderly. Research method was descriptive-analytic ...
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Activities of daily life are basic components of life which reflect an important aspect of functional independence in the elderly. The aim of this study was to develop an up to date and culturally appropriate scale to assess activities of daily lives of the Iranian elderly. Research method was descriptive-analytic and the statistical population consisted of elderly men and women (over 60 years old) residing in Arak and Shazand cities in 1391. The sample consisted of two groups including 297 subjects (exploratory factor analysis) and 280 subjects (confirmatory factor analysis) who voluntarily participated in the study. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis and principle component analysis with varimax rotation were used for data analysis. All statistical operations were performed with SPSS-16 and LISREL software. Exploratory factor analysis extracted 5 subscales including gross activities (9 items), personal activities (7 items), religious and social activities (8 items), fine activities (4 items), and machine washing (2 items). Confirmatory factor analysis findings confirmed these results as well. These five factors explained 75.90% of total variance (first factor 50.38%, second factor 11.06%, third factor 6.30%, forth factor 4.675%, and fifth factor 3.485%). This instrument was named "the Elderly's Activities of Daily Life Scale (Iran-ADLS)". The scale was filled out twice by 30 subjects (50% women) with 1 to 2 weeks of interval and Pearson correlation coefficient was 0.76 to 0.97 for 1 to 5 subscales and 0.97 for the total score of the scale, indicating a good to excellent test-retest reliability. Also, internal reliability was calculated with Chronbach's alpha (0.96) indicating an excellent internal reliability for this scale. Totally, these results confirmed that "the Elderly's Activities of Daily Life Scale" was a valid and reliable instrument to measure the elderly's ability and disability.